Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Makin' the School Drop Off

I am not well put together on some mornings. Yes, when you're racing to feed the kids breakfast and pushing them out the door before 7am. I'll be behind the wheel looking flustered while the kids are tucked in safety belts still grumpy. By the time, I make the school drop off, it'll either be a revelation to the other parents doing the drop off. Yes, Keira's mom is wearing PJs! This is during frantic mornings. On good days, I would have have my trench, full make-up on and killer heels. Keira's mom would be all about sass!

But does anyone ever notice how I look? Not really, nobody cares. They only care when I'm wearing the PJs, the better days are often ignored. Normally I wear a clean shirt to drive my kids to school with my PJ bottoms. I figure as long as I look good from the top up and I don't need to get down from the car, I'm good to go.

In the 80s, my mom would come to school in slippers and hair rollers, no biggie! No one was fussy about it. Today, my effortless school drop-off look is wearing a football jersey with the right denim and heels. Plus tying my hair back into a sexy bun and putting on large sunglasses. At least, Keira notices and kisses me for not embarassing her for wearing PJs again.

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